I FINALLY Found a Use for All My Zucchini (You Wonโ€™t Believe This)


5 eggs
1 lbs zucchini
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1/2 cup cheese
1 small onion
1/2 sachet baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Step 1: Peel the zucchini and carrots and pass them trough the grater
Step 2: In a bowl, mix the eggs well with oil.
Step 3: Add flour and baking powder, mix them until perfectly incorporated.
Step 4: Add the zucchini (before adding the zucchini squeeze it very well to remove the excess water), carrots, grated onion, grated cheese, salt and pepper. Mix the composition until a uniform dough is obtained.
Step 5: Line the pan with butter and flour, cover the bottom with baking paper and add the dough.
Step 6: Bake it at 360 degrees F for 30-35 minutes.
Step 7: Zucchini pie can be eaten hot or cold, it is excellent in both variants. Enjoy!