The Most Famous Swedish Meatballs! Traditional Authentic recipe!


Swedish Meatballs
1 lbs ground beef
½ cups bread crumbs
1 onion
Fresh parsley leaves
Salt, pepper, paprika, granulated garlic
1 egg
2 tbsp oil
½ cup butter
3 tbsp flour
1 cup beef broth
1 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp Dijon mustard

Step 1: In a bowl, combine the beef, breadcrumbs, onion, parsley, egg and spices (salt, pepper, paprika, garlic). Stir until all ingredients are mixed.
Step 2: Form the meatballs. Their size depends on their preferences.
Step 3: Heat 1 tbsp of oil and 1 tbsp of butter in a deeper pan.
Step 4: Add the meatballs and cook, turning continuously until they get brown on each side.
Step 5: Remove the meatballs on a plate.
Step 6: In the same pan in which the meatballs were cooked, put 1cup of butter and flour. Mix with a fork until a paste is formed.
Step 7: Add beef broth, sour cream, Worcestershire sauce and mustard. Season with salt and pepper. Mix the composition well, then let it simmer until the sauce reaches a creamy consistency.
Step 8: Add the meatballs to the sauce obtained and let it cook for another 3-5 minutes.
Step 9: Turn off the heat and sprinkle with chopped green parsley.
Step 10: Enjoy this delicious recipe of Swedish meatballs.